Exposed by Donatella Bertozzi

We are always saying it: “I exposed myself” “Don’t expose yourself” “That person has undergone excessive exposure …” sometimes adding the adjective mediatic. The verb “to expose” has recently undergone a kind of genetic mutation and from the relatively simple meaning of “putting out, putting on show/in the window”, generally referred to objects, it now expresses a variety of meanings, psychological situations and feelings, invariably referring to us, human beings.

The new creation of choreographer Patrizia Cavola for Atacama Company (which she founded and directs with her colleague and partner Ivan Truol) revolves around this meaning of the expression “exposed”, worked out in feminine key … But the subject is also the hero, who is, in this performance, “exposed, defenceless, skinless”. So the themes are also “strength and fragility, courage and fear”.

Donatella Bertozzi

Il Messaggero

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