I, Her, Me by Delfina Stella

“I, Her, Me” is a solo interpreted by the dancer Valeria Baresi which gathers elements from the previous three productions by Atacama, the Roman dance company directed by Patrizia Cavola and Ivan Truol.

A woman, whose face is hidden behind a tin box, dances on the interrupted words uttered by Patrizia Hartman: an intermittent interpretation of concealed femininity, ensnared but evoked in every single movement.

In the silence, the dancer leaves the box in a corner and begins a process of self-discovery: a grotesque and touching journey through the various sides of the human soul, made explicit by a refined harmony of onomatopoeic sounds and representative gestures. Once the contradictions of her soul are revealed, the performer translates the fragmentation of her nature into movements, accompanied by the electronic sounds of the group Epsilon Indi. In the following scene the dancer returns to silence; she is weak, she needs Her, this imaginary but necessary presence, in order not to drown in the difficulties of her being. After recovering her strength, the dancer returns to her cognitive process: now each movement is controlled and generated by the body itself, each action is caused by a body part stimulating another, as if a Mewere responsible for the movements of the dancer’s I. She frees herself from her last inner struggle and the attention focuses again on something primordial: the opening sighs return and the dancer takes the box, she observes it, she plays with it and uses it as a mirror; it is no longer a limit but merely an existential obstacle that she overcomes before the extinguishment of all stage lights. “I, Her, Me” is a pleasant alternation of femininity and dependence, joy and sorrow, fear and courage, strength and weakness.

Delfina Stella


L’altro Magazine

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