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Benvenut* | Camilla Perugini, Antonio Taurino | Paesaggi del Corpo Festival Internazionale Danza Contemporanea
19 May 2024

Sunday 18 May 2024 | Tetaro Artemisio Gan Maria Volonté, Via Edmondo Fondi s.n.c. Velletri, Rome
In every person, a ‘masculine’ and a ‘feminine’ energy coexist. Right from
children, many times, a behavioural pattern is imposed to bring out only the male or the female side, depending on whether one is born male or female, only the masculine or the feminine side, depending on whether one is born male or female,
as if the male and female worlds were two parallel universes that rarely meet.
meet. The one-sided vision of Man and Woman has generated a series of hard-to-die-for stereotypes.
stereotypes that are hard to die. And it is precisely the stereotypes between men and women that are the point of
starting point of the entire creation: an excursus of some of them staged in an ironic key,
almost as if to underline their absurdity.