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Lost Solos | Festival nel Cerchio del Tempo

26 Ottobre

Saturday 26 October 2024 | Sala dei Capolavori, Museo Etrusco, Tarquinia


In the book Solos and Lost Solos Eshkol Nevo writes:
“Naim had heard of Lost Solos, the “Lost Solos” solitary birds that appear
unexpectedly far from their usual migratory route, far from the flock, on a
continent where they should not be. As if in their inner orientation something has
something damaged, or a genetic mutation had occurred. Scholars propose
different explanations for their extraordinary phenomenon, but none has been definitively
The vision of these solitary birds that do not obey the usual rules and change their
established paths and make choices outside their flock, resonates in our imaginary
imagination and is mirrored in the fate of many human beings and their history of loneliness
and diversity. Otherness as a sign of a damaged interior or instead as a result of
an original and special nature. In our current society there is a phenomenon whereby
the status of singles is numerically surpassing that of families, at least in the
large cities in the West. There is a tendency not to go down the road of creating a family
as was the case in the past, but rather to define themselves as singles, islands, single households.
It appears that the nature of relationships is clearly changing, thereby altering
social and community life as a consequence. Contemporary life seems to define itself in a
path that leads to isolation, to the absence of community. Like solitary birds that
find themselves on a continent other than their own migratory route, human beings
find themselves experiencing a loss, due to the loss of clear cultural references, the
continuous questioning of all values and certainties. On the other hand, the ability to question
paths, explore new possibilities and design one’s own existence freely is an achievement.
freely is an achievement. Going through a state of bewilderment is a necessary stage
in the journey that an individual has to make in order to know himself and develop his own self.
To go through, to open oneself to the possibilities that arise from treading other paths, wandering on
unknown and interrupted paths, proceeding towards the goal of unveiling the self through
a continuous detour, an irreducible wandering.
Starting from these suggestions, the authors intend to develop solos created for
different dancers, which will give substance to this investigation. The different solos performed in se,
can be presented individually and at the same time transitions and
moments of connection that will also allow the composition of the various solos in a single
performance. The non-linear narrative path will be defined by loops and interweavings between the different
episodes, which will connect the different individual stories of each solo. This
compositional mode will allow the performance to be presented in different contexts
theatres as well as unconventional spaces and can thus meet the public through
different modes of fruition.
In a context of crossing and crossover of the arts, the choreographic project aims to unite
the elaboration of dance/physical poetry to a pictorial and visionary image construction work
and visionary images, the use of words and sound and interaction with original music
composed by Sergio De Vito.


26 Ottobre
Categoria Evento:


Compagnia Atacama


Museo Etrusco
Piazza Cavour, 1a
Tarquinia, 01016 Italia
+ Google Maps

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