Exposed by Antonella Caione

Obstinate and irregular rhythms, desire and a tendency to fragmentation. In the era of technology Esposta appears as an invitation to reconciliation with one’s body. Thoughts are exposed, the face is exposed, memory is exposed. This creation by Atacama Company, founded in 1997 by Patrizia Cavola and Ivan Truol, guides the audience into listening to the imaginary presented by the expressive force of the choreographic language which inspires awe and a capitulation to love.

The company takes inspiration from a multi-poliyhedric language research that integrates with the body’s different forms of expression, from dance to the theatre of words, condensing it into a single language.

Language not only as identity of a process of communication, but asa vehicle for the manifestation of a shared and recountable experience.

The three women who connect through the dance are open to the representation of their humours, confederates like the witches onShakespeare’s heath, complementary as the cycles of passage marvellously represented by Gustav Klimt in The Three Ages of Woman, witnessing what has been, what is in the immediate present, and what possibly may be in the future. Their fragility and their strength are equal in the act of exposing themselves to the world and becoming visible to the other’s body, to offer themselves in an exchange to a play of transformations. There is something marvellous, moving and special in being ready to reveal oneself without protections, barriers, masks, in that state of fragility that because of thisacquires an unequalled strength.

“Esposta” was shown at Teatro Quarticciolo in Rome, as winner of the competition for territorial associations of the VII Municipality, for the quality of the research and the topicality of the subject in the feminine context …

The fear of an incommunicable disquiet makes it possible for Ilaria Bracaglia, Sara Simeoni and Cristina Failla to understand each other so as to communicate and be reconciled to their emotions through a disguise that never ceases to make our deepest fears reverberate, born as they are from a necessary individual sacrifice.

Antonella Caione

art a part of cult(ure)

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