I Float, I Drown, I Float by Valentina De Simone


You can drown in existence. Or you can try to stay afloat amidst currents moving surfaces ruffled with possibilities that, once followed, are worth the risk, amidst whirlpools of precariousness to be avoided by resolute veering, amidst tides which punctually recur in order to regulate the ups and downs of feverish mankind. A mankind that did not forgo vitality, surprised in casual harmonies, on the edge of intentions hidden in the dark, implicit in the smile which is knowledge mixed with the creativity of words pronounced by the body. In the variation of arms closing on emptiness, in the evolution of legs jumping beyond the depths, in the palpitation of breaths shaping visions.

Fleeting and unexpectedly beautiful are those that Atacama Company presents in the imaginary inventory of its choreography, subtle for its impalpable poetry, mystic for its underlying philosophical thought, refined for the compositional effect resulting from the combination of scenes and the original soundtrack by Epsilon Indi, the fruit of their long-standing collaboration.

A score of electronic and experimental sonorities able to magnetize the movements choreographed by Patrizia Cavola and Ivan Truol, and to transfer them in combinations of moving anatomies. Within the circle of light on the stage, under the scintillating backdrop five dancers, Valeria Baresi, Anna Basti, Ilaria Bracaglia, Cristina Meloro and Marco Ubaldi explore the flow of opposing stimulations, of impromptu unanswered voices, the emotion of compositions experimented and then abandoned in the search of others. “I Float, I Drown, I Float” is characterized by a surprising choral structure, an unachieved and undoubtedly undefined complexity of accents which, though independent, counterpoint each other in the overwhelming melody of that instant which is our whole life.

Valentina De Simone (29)

La Repubblica.it Roma

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