Instructions to Make Ourselves Unhappy by Alessandro Paesano

This subject for discussion has been translated in the terms of dancetheatre by the company Atacama, whose choreographers Patrizia Cavola and Ivàn Truol created a piècefor four dancers-actors. The definition is very congenial to the light and ironical approach with which the four performers present the show. There is a perfect balance between performance and dance. They is a coherent and amused group able to render the psychoanalytical path of Watzlawick with depth and irony.

So we can see two neurotic women attracting and rejecting their obedient partners as if they were dogs constantly fearful of the mood of their women. Or we are witnessing a monologue-dialogue between women where words are only verses (those of Rozenn Corbell taken from French language), a sort of grammelot that allows dancers-actors to communicate between themselves and with the public. The result is very interesting and it shows a scared and vulnerable man vexed by a neurotic and instable woman … It is wonderful to see women leading men or men leading other men in a choreographic search where the difference in height or weight does not influence the capacity of each of leading (in a choreographic sense). There is a rechercheof pure dance which focuses on the movement and the relation between bodies. It is a show to be seen more and more times not only to have fun but also to reflect on certain attitudes of human behaviour. “Instructions to make ourselves unhappy” was created in 2004 and has already become a classic in contemporary dance. The public always approves and applauds, forcing performers to repeated exits.

Alessandro Paesano

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