Instructions to Make Ourselves Unhappy by Gianpaolo Marcucci

In the frame of what remains the most important of the Theatres of search in Rome, on 28, 29 and 30 April, the company Atacama, directed by Patrizia Cavola and Ivàn Truol, performed its production “Instructions to make ourselves unhappy”, which won the prize “Theatre of the City of Aversa 2007” … A world where to shape is always to be shaped, where touch arouses dismay.

There is always a pretext for complicating life or breaking the boredom of simplicity. It is the drama of the inevitable relationship with the other. Suspicion, mistrust, refusal are words that could be engraved on the backdrop, but there is no word  unless it is empty, sterile, stylized, symbolic, unless the fictitious need of inability to communicate among those figures is satisfied. The sensual strictness of the costumes merges with the surreal image of an interiority without time… The languages are many, all soaked with an irony that exorcises the frightening and human reality. All we can see is nothing but the truth, even though this is shown to us by capable shadows and not by human beings.

Gianpaolo Marcucci

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